Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Meeting in California PA

The 9/12 Project of SWPA will meet on Thursday, April 30th in California PA at the Young Men's Club at 630pm. You can find directions by clicking on the link.

Young Men's Club
1140 Edwards St
California, PA 15419
(724) 938-8708

Please come and join in planning for our group events.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Lobbyists Ask White House To Ease Lobbying Rules (cbs news)

Lobbyists and leaders of public interest groups are meeting with White House officials to seek a roll back of the ban on lobbyists discussing economic stimulus projects with federal officials.

President Barack Obama imposed the prohibition last month in hopes of reducing the influence lobbyists might have over how the $787 billion economic stimulus package will be doled out. Lobbyists have complained that the rules inhibit their freedom of speech.

Dave Wenhold, president of the American League of Lobbyists, said he would meet Thursday with White House ethics officer Norm Eisen. Representatives of the American Civil Liberties Union and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington also will attend, Wenhold said.

A call to your legislator is in order.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Amendment 1, Free Speech, and your Religion

The Text of the Constitution, Amendment I (Ratified December 15, 1791)

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

When you contact your legislator today, be sure to remind him/her of this amendment. HR 1913 will violate your and your Pastor/Priest rights to freely exercise your religious speech and practices.

This legislation is designed for only two purposes: to further the gay/transgender agenda and to silence anyone who opposes this agenda.

The hate crimes bill will be used to lay the legal foundation and framework to investigate, prosecute and persecute pastors, business owners, Bible teachers, Sunday School teachers, youth leaders, Christian counselors, religious broadcasters and anyone else whose actions are based upon and reflect the truths found in the Bible.

H.R. 1913 broadly defines "intimidation," thus a pastor's sermon could be considered "hate speech" under this legislation if heard by an individual who then acts aggressively against persons based on any "sexual orientation." The pastor could be prosecuted for "conspiracy to commit a hate crime.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Hate Crime Bill to be voted on Wednesday April 22

Very important legislation will be up for a vote on Wednesday regarding Hate Crime Legislation. This Bill could limit free speech in Churches. Please look over the details and contact your legislator to vote NO to H.R. 1913: Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009. Often, a Bill has a name which makes it sound like a good thing but in enforcement becomes an infringement on our Constitutional Rights. This is such a Bill. Go to for your list of legislators and their contact information.

Government refuses exit on bailouts, Only Equities

Yes, some banks that took the TARP monies now want out of the program. They don't want to be labeled with a Scarlett Letter of Failure. Our government doesn't want to let them out of the program. Instead, they have broached the idea of converting the debt into equities. Right now, our government has preferred shares representing loans from our government. They want to change preferred shares into common equities at the 19 banks receiving TARP funds for banks that need additional capital. This move would place troubled banks more directly into the seat of taxpayers, and potentially bring about a type of nationalization like we’ve already seen with AIG and Citigroup. Conversion of preferred shares into common would boost the government’s stake in a bank, possibly leading to greater government control over the institution. The move would wipe out existing shareholders, of course, but also would recapitalize banks without actually costing us/the government any more of our taxpayer money. But who will call the shots at the shareholders meeting? Think about it.